Closing Logo Group

1st Logo (1978-1985)

Logo: We see an abstract text in lines saying: WSBE. After two seconds, it fades from the top left, down to the bottom right, revealing the text in red, green, and blue colored lines; along with text in Antique Olive in green; PROVIDENCE PRESENTS.

FX/SFX: The sliding.

Music/Sounds: A mellow, relaxing synth tune.

Availability: Extinct; can be seen on some programs such as Feeling Free and Wake of ‘38.

2nd Logo


Logo: On a blue background the text is Produced In Association With in black we see a bird flying then Rhode Island then PBS is font blue we see a circle P-Head logo

Variant: Sometimes Produced In Association With would not appear in this logo

FX/SFX: The birds-flying

Music/Sounds: A guitar tune

Availlabity: Seen at the end Ciao Italia on public television.

3rd Logo


Logo: On a blue background we see a same as 2003 Rhode Island PBS logo

FX/SFX: The animation

Music/Sounds: Same as 2nd logo

Availlabity: Seen at the end Ciao Italia.
