Closing Logo Group

Background: Vidway Video Home was a home video distributor formed in 1991 by Compania Integral Depeliculas S.A. to release home video titles. The company eventually went defunct in the mid 1990s.

(1991-Mid 1990s)[]


Logo: On a fabric sheet background, after the warning screen fades out, a light blue upside down triangle flips in, and then spins and zooms in, revealing that there are streaks on the upside down triangle, making it look like a "V". A flash emits, and then the word "VIDWAY" spins along with the triangle, and then the two meet together. The blue word "VIDEO HOME", with two lines above and below the text flips in and settles below "VIDWAY" and then the logo flashes.

FX/SFX: The spinning and flipping.

Music/Sounds: The 1978 Battlestar Galactica theme.

Availability: Seen on most Vidway Video Home releases from the era.
