Logo descriptions by PAV123
Note: Not to be confused with the American label of the same name.
1st Logo (1986-1987)
Nickname: "Walt Disney Classics' British Cousin"
Logo: On a red pink gradient background we see a white outline of a diamond zoom out towards the middle. Once it reaches the middle it becomes gray while the outline becomes shiny black. Then a gray rectangle with a golden outline flies in above the diamond and settles at the topmost point of the diamond. The inside of the rectangle becomes black white the silver text "VIDEO" fades in and flashes. The golden text GEMS" zooms up to the middle of the diamond which becomes black in the process. The "VIDEO" text flashes from the remainder.
FX/SFX: The shape movement, the text appearance.
Music/Sounds: A serene synth fanfare.
Availability: Seen on early releases from the company.
Scare Factor: None.
2nd Logo (1988-1989)
Logo: On a black background we see multiple blue and white lines shooting towards the back of the screen. The
lines are arranged in a straight line pattern which drops down from the top of the screen. The lines disappear when the silver words "VIDEO GEMS" slide in from the left and right sides of the screen respectively. The V in video and G in gems appear to be larger than the other letters. The words disperse and flip to the top and bottom of the screen respectively.
FX/SFX: The lines, the animation of the words, looks very top notch for the time.
Music/Sounds: A synth whoosh noise followed by a synth explosion.
Availability: Seen on later Video Gems releases, including some Select Video releases.
Scare Factor: Medium to high, due to the sudden animation and loud noises.