Closing Logo Group



Nicknames: "Multicolored Stripe Mashup", "Shooting Stars"

Logo: On a black background, a blue grid wipes over by segments, and so does the yellow bar, being wiped onto the right over a yellow flash. Five squares can be seen flashing over by each square of the grid, and they fall over to form the text "VIDEO". The blue grid then flips down, making it and the yellow bar disappear. Five yellow stars then "shoot" over by a bunch of striped colors (yellow, cerulean, green, lavender and red), followed through the words "BIBLIOTEKET" appearing underneath "VIDEO" in a segment transition. The logo complete shoots forming emblem and freezes.

FX/SFX: The transitions, the forming of the texts, the stars.

Music/Sounds: Sparkling sounds and a triumphant fanfare which is in sync.

Availability: Can be seen on a Swedish tape of Ulysses 31.
