Background: Valseco Industries was a Nigerian film production company founded in 1995. Although IMDb claims its first film, Ukwa, dates to 1995, it says 2001 at the end.
WARNING: This video is very loud, so please turn down your speakers.
Nicknames: "Cheap Thunderstorm", "You Thought Somaco International Ltd. And Dozac Global Maxima Investment Ltd. Were Bad", "The Logo That Is Mostly Void of Effort", "The Personification of All That is Blender", "Deep Water and L.A Hero's Nigerian Brother", "Amaco Productions' Brother", "Nigeria's Answer to FADYO"
Logo: We see white thunder striking on a black background. We then fade from white briefly to a dark, green-tinted sky with black clouds below. There's a brown-tinted planet Earth above the text "VALSECO" and the red "IND. LTD." spinning. The text is seen from side view, but then spins into frontal view and places. White particles are seen floating around the logo. The Earth moves to the bottom. The logo freezes, and we zoom into the logo. Then the whole thing dissolves into particles.
FX/SFX: The thunder, the particles, the spinning logos, the zoom, all which looks like it was made in Blender.
Cheesy Factor: Another cheesy logo from Nigeria. Why's the sky green and the planet Earth brown? The Earth also seems poorly textured, and when it moves down the text for the first time briefly, it is seen concealing the top of the "LSE" of the company's name. The thunder also seems too loud. The CGI also looks incredibly dated, and something made in Blender. The particle effects at the end also look dated.
Music/Sounds: Loud thunder sounds, while a stock synth piece is heard (which was also heard on the SOMACO International logo at some point).
Availability: Seen on Valesco films from, ending with Daytime Lovers 2.