Closing Logo Group


The Rainbow Film Company (also known as Rainbow Releasing and formerly known as Rainbow Pictures and International Rainbow Pictures) is the film production company of American actor and filmmaker Henry Jaglom, the director of Last Summer in the Hamptons and Festival in Cannes.

Rainbow Pictures[]

1st Logo (December 20, 1974)[]

Rainbow Pictures (1974)

Logo: On a black background, underneath a six-color rainbow is the white text


FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Rare; its only known appearance was on the end of Hearts and Minds. While the 2002 Criterion Collection DVD preserves this logo, their 2014 reissue replaces it with a preservation notice.

2nd Logo (December 15, 1976)[]

Rainbow Pictures (1976)

Logo: Superimposed into the end credits of the movie, the arced text "A RAINBOW PICTURE" with a small shadow sticking out wipes in.

FX/SFX: The text wiping in.

Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the movie.

Availability: Only seen at the end of Tracks, on-demand prints of which preserve this logo.

International Rainbow Pictures[]

1st Logo (April 4, 1980-October 9, 1992)[]

Nicknames: "Creepy Orson", "Jack Nicholson's Evil Cousin", "The Jesus Christ Man"

Logo: We see a man with a fixated stare on his face (actually Orson Welles). He holds a small yellow box in his left hand and a small cardboard rainbow in his right hand, which he pulls completely out of the box, as the camera zooms in. When the camera gets close enough, it freezes, and the words "AN INTERNATIONAL RAINBOW PICTURE" in an arc wipe in and "A JAGFILM" fades in below.

Trivia: This was actually sourced from Jaglom's film A Safe Place, starring Welles. The scene also appears in its trailer.


  • For the most part, the logo is cropped.
  • On Venice/Venice, the words "A RAINBOW RELEASE" replace "A JAGFILM".

FX/SFX: It's mostly live-action, except for the text wiping and fading in.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Rare; seen on films from this period starting with Sitting Ducks and up until Venice/Venice. However, this logo does not appear on Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?.

Editor's Note: This logo has scared many people, due to the absence of music and the evil-looking man in the logo. The text, however, (except for the later version) doesn't fit in the rainbow and the logo popping out of nowhere may also send some chills.

2nd Logo (April 4, 1980-December 8, 1983)[]

Logo: The logo nearly follows the same behavior as the Rainbow Pictures logo except the logo is yellow and appears letter-by-letter, the font is in an Art-Deco font.

Variant: On Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?, the logo is black with no shadow effect and the text "A JAGFILM" is added underneath.

FX/SFX: The letters appearing.

Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the movie.

Availability: Only seen at the end of Siting Ducks and Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?. Like with the company's other logos, it is preserved on on-demand prints such as Tubi's.

The Rainbow Film Company[]

1st Logo (May 4, 1994)[]

The Rainbow Film Company (1994)

Logo: Scrolling from the end credits is the word "FROM" above the arced text "THE RAINBOW FILM COMPANY" in a different font from before.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the movie.

Availability: Only seen at the end of Babyfever.

2nd Logo (November 22, 1995-November 19, 2010)[]

Nicknames: "Creepy Orson II", "Jack Nicholson's Evil Cousin II", "The Jesus Christ Man II"

Logo: Same as the 1st International Rainbow Picutures logo except the text has been replaced with "A RAINBOW PICTURE", now in a fixed position (it fits the rainbow).


  • An early version of this logo has the footage fade in first and when we get close enough to his face, the text "A RAINBOW RELEASE" appears in the same animation as the normal variant. A few seconds later, as the live-action footage fades out, the text fades out several frames after the footage began fading out.
  • On Déjà Vu, the text from the above variant has been replaced with the one from the normal variant and the footage now simply pops up.
    • An open-matte version of this logo was seen on the trailer to said film.
  • On the trailer to Going Shopping, only the text from the early variant appears.

FX/SFX: Same as the 1st International Rainbow Pictures logo except the letters essentially appear.

Music/Sounds: Same as the 1st International Rainbow Pictures logo.

Availability: Current. Debuted on Last Summer in the Hamptons, and was seen on every film directed by Jaglom for 15 years, including Festival in Cannes, Déjà Vu, Irene in Time, and Train to Zakopané. It appears at the beginning of these movies except for Just 45 Minutes from Broadway, which puts it after the end credits.

Editor's Note: Same as the first International Rainbow Pictures logo. However, the longevity of this logo is amazing considering it's been still used as later as 2020.

3rd Logo (April 22, 1998-June 19, 2009)[]

Logo: An in-credit notice where the text "THE RAINBOW FILM COMPANY" in the same font as before is above a simple, black and white rainbow consisting of four colors.


  • On Festival in Cannes, the text is arced around the rainbow.
  • On Hollywood Dreams, the rainbow's colors are inverted.
  • On Irene in Time, the text is in a normal font.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the movie.

Availability: Seen at the end of Déjà Vu, Festival in Cannes, Hollywood Dreams, and Irene in Time.

4th Logo (November 19, 2010-)[]

Logo: Again, it's an in-credit notice that is similar to the previous logo except the rainbow is now colored. From top to bottom, it is in blue, green, yellow, and red. Underneath it is the text "The Rainbow Film Company".


  • An early version of this logo has the screen darker, the colors in a lighter shade, and the bottom text reads

A Rainbow Release

  • On The M Words, before the credits can fully leave the screen, the logo fades in, completely still.
  • On Ovation, the logo is superimposed into the last shot of the movie.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the movie.

Availability: Was seen at the end of Queen of the Lot, The M Word, and Ovation, among others.

5th Logo (March 25, 2014-June 28, 2016)[]

Nicknames: "Simple Rainbow", "The Rainbow of Boredom", "The Evil Orson Free Rainbow", "Jesus Christ Man Not Included"

Logo: On a black background, a light spark emerges, covering most of the screen and revealing the same rainbow from before with the text "RAINBOW RELEASING" underneath.

Variant: On the trailer to Ovation, the company's website link was added underneath in the same color as the company name.

FX/SFX: 2D animation.

Music/Sounds: A reverse cymbal sound segueing into a ding.

Availability: Only seen on the trailers of The M Word and Ovation.

6th Logo (June 17, 2014)[]

Rainbow Pictures (June 17, 2014)

Logo: Above a fairly desaturated version of the rainbow from the previous logos is the white text

Howard Zuker Henry Jaglom
Rainbow Pictures Present

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: This logo was designed to replace the 1st Rainbow Pictures logo on the 2014 Criterion Collection DVD and Blu-ray of Hearts and Minds.
