1st Logo
Logo: On a purple/blue gradient Congress Video backdrop, three C's fly in (two being green, the second one being pink) one by one and create an abstract C. Then it flashes and sparkles "draw" an abstract V with a long line in the same color as the C. Afterwards, the white text "THE CONGRESS VIDEO GROUP" appears.
FX/SFX: The C appearing, the sparkles, the text.
Music/Sounds: A triumphant synthesized fanfare.
Availability: Seen on 1980s VHS releases of old public domain films.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
Logo: On a zooming space background, the abstract CV logo from the previous logo, this time colored in rainbow, flies in. Then the white words Congress Video fly in at the bottom.
FX/SFX: The space background, the CV flying, the text appearing, all in early CGI.
Music/Sounds: A really bright 80s fanfare.
Availability: Seen on 1980s VHS releases of old public domain films.
Editor's Note: None