WARNING: This logo is quite loud, so lower your speakers or turn them off.
(1965-1970, 1983)
Logo: Over a pink or light blue screen, a brown filmstrip zooms in, and the Greek letters, which translate to "Thanasis Vengos Tainies Geliou" appear letter by letter. The logo stays on screen.
Variant: There is a black and white version.
FX/SFX: The zooming of the filmstrip, and the Greek text popping out.
Music/Sounds: A loud, triumphant fanfare, followed by a cymbal crash and a person making a noise. The last note of the fanfare plays.
Availability: Seen on Greek films like Trellos kai pasis Ellados, Enas Yperochos Trellos Vengos and more.
Scare Factor: Low to high. It is quite loud and the Greek letters look weird. Other than that, it is fine.