WARNING: Do not watch either video if you are prone to epilepsy.
Nicknames: "Too Many Colors", "Television Monstrosity Creation", "Flashy TMC", "Psychedelic TMC", "Light Trails from Hell", "What On Earth Is Blasting Through My TV Screen!?", "Rainbow Trails and Flashing Letters", "Trippy TMC"
Logo: It is difficult to describe in detail, but the logo consists of the letters "tmc", connected together, flashing one by one in different arrangements. The animation is synchronized to the music. Multiple light trails appear behind and in front of the logo. A "cloudy" product is formed through these light trails sometimes, of which obstructs the logo. The text "tele monte carlo" appears on the bottom in a similar font, and has copies trailed behind it on occasion. This sequence continues for about 45 seconds.
Variant: A color variant existed, and it eventually replaced the standard black and white variant. The light trails were rainbow-coloured.
FX/SFX: The letters appearing and the light trails. Early Video Feedback effects, somehow inclusive of excessive residue trails.
Music/Sounds: A bombastic, high-tempo jazz-rock excerpt. It begins with a seven-note horn piece, which eventually includes violins, woodwinds, xylophones, drums, and many whooshes. It becomes increasingly bombastic as time goes on until it ends with a big finish.
Availability: Extinct outside of Monaco. It was basically a station ID that ran before their programs.
Editor's Note: While good for its time, this logo is way too busy and excessive. As it ran before shows, the concept of waiting through fifty seconds of this just to see the show will test the nerves (and eyes) of many viewers, especially those with epilepsy. It hasn't dated too well in the 80's, also. Overall, it looks like the creators were just having fun during its development, instead of making a better effort toward its animation.
2nd Logo (Italian, 1984?)
Nicknames: "The Thieves of The 3-2-1 Contact Intro", "Too Many Colors, Part II"
Logo: We see red, blue, and green hexagons trailing towards the viewer and back again, with the word "tmc" in red and the word "break" under it in green zooming in and spinning.
FX/SFX: The trails, the text zooming and spinning.
Music/Sounds: An analog synthesizer decrescendo.
Availability: Long extinct. It was used as a break bumper.
Editor's Note: The cheesiness in this logo is off the charts. The animation seems to have been stolen from the 1983 intro of 3-2-1 Contact and repeated to fit the music and logo spinning. The logo is off-center and pixelated as well.