Logo: We see a pixelated version of the logo choppily zoom in. As it does, it becomes less pixelated, and as it does so, we see the same image of the logo hidden behind it. Once the pixels aren't visible, the logo stops zooming. Then, we zoom back in, seeing the pixels again.
FX/SFX: The "zoom-in " and zoom out of the camera, and zoom out at the end, the pixelation.
Music/Sounds: An excerpt of Pet Shop Boys' "It's a Sin."
Availability: Extremely rare; in fact, this might be one of the rarest Greek VHS logos. So far, it was seen on "Εραστής Χωρίς Γυναίκα" (Lover Without Woman).
Editor's Note: Like many other Greek VHS logos, this one's poorly done and absurdly dated for 1986. We have the cheap "zoom-in", which looks more like the photo of the logo getting larger (by that, we mean generating more pixels and getting less blurrier), and the end seems to be the one with proper zooming in. Also, whilst we have the so-called "zoom-in" of the logo, an image of the same logo can be seen in the background, also in the same amount of pixels, so it could've been poorly imposed. The first product of the logo didn't need to be that blurry, either! And it's not just the animation that's problematic, but the music, too, which gets all glitchy and buggy, making it sound like it loops itself. The only thing worse, however, is the fact that the music was also stolen!