Closing Logo Group

Background: Sarathi Picture's Production P. Ltd. is a Nepali film company located in Raj Tirtha, Lalitpur, Nepal. This company specializes in Film and Television activities.

(April 8, 1997)[]

Nicknames: "Shourie's SGS Pvt., Ltd.'s Scarier Nepali Brother", "The Scariest Typo Logo"

WARNING: Do not watch the video if you are prone to epilepsy.

Warning: The video is loud, so turn down your volume before watching it.

Logo: We first see the same stock lightning footage from the First National Movies logo (except yellow-tinted) at the beginning, then it cuts to a camera panning down to a figure showing two royal people in a carriage with horses and on top of a blue nest-like thing. It stays like that until seconds later, the company’s name in English and Nepali wipes in, along with the company’s founder (?) in Nepali joining in at the bottom.

Trivia: The figure shown on the nest like-thing resembles Krishna and Arjuna in The Kurukshetra War, which was one of the stories inside the Mahabharata.

FX/SFX: The stock lightning footage, the camera panning down and the company's name wiping in. Pretty dated animation.

Music/Sounds: Some thunder sounds at the beginning, followed by a man speaking in Nepali until the company's name appears, and the alternative Sham Ralhan choir joins in.

Availability: Rare, only seen on Nirmohi.

Editor's Note: Because of the lightning, the man talking, the end music, and the overall loudness, this may be the scariest Nepali Logo, intentional or not. Others may laugh at the typo.
