Closing Logo Group

(Mid-Late 1980s)[]

Roadshow Lorimar Home Video

Logo: On a black background, we see the beginning animation of its American counterpart, except this time it forms the words "ROADSHOW-LORIMAR-HOME VIDEO", with "ROADSHOW-" in yellow, "LORIMAR-" (in its standard font) in red, and "HOME VIDEO" in blue. Then the Roadshow logo fades in with a "rippling" effect in yellow.

FX/SFX: The (recycled) beginning from the 2nd Lorimar Home Video logo. Plus the jarring and somewhat cheap appearance of the "V".

Music/Sounds: A deep synth note (not unlike that for the Lorimar HV logo in America) combined with a whooshing sound, then when the "V" appears, a deep synth chime (which is actually a preset on the Yamaha DX7 known as "TUB BELLS").

Availability: Extremely rare; seen on children's videos, special interest films, and family films from the company.

Editor's Note: Before this logo was created, Roadshow-Lorimar releases just used the standard '70s Lorimar TV logo (a.k.a., the "Line of Doom").
