Background: Musicvision was the short-lived music video division of RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video.
Logo: On a background filled with dark and light gray stripes, a red bar wipes in across the screen. Then, the text "MUSICVISION" with "MUSIC" in Times New Roman Bold and "VISION" in Impact wipes in inside the bar. Streaks of light shine across the dark gray stripes and the "MUSICVISION" text wipes from gray to white.
FX/SFX: Computer Graphics.
Music/Sounds: An guitar-and-synth-driven pop rock instrumental.
Availability: Seen on many out-of-print videos that carry the Musicvision packaging and logo such as Rick Springfield: The Beat of the Live Drum, We Are the World: The Video Event, Robert Palmer: Riptide and Tears for Fears: Songs from the Big Chair. It also appeared on its VHS reissue of the English version of Allegro Non Troppo (originally by RCA/Columbia itself).
Editor's Note: None.