Closing Logo Group

1st Logo (United Kingdom) (1982?-April 1985)[]

Logo: We see some sort of white-blue blob form on a black background. After this, "Mr. Video" then appears on said blob in a yellow-outlined cursive font. "PRESENTS" appears under this. It keeps flashing for awhile. Apparently, there are many copies behind it. The text stops flashing after about 20 seconds, and then continues flashing again.

FX/SFX: The text appearing, flashing, and feedback. The blob.

Music/Sounds: An '80s synth pop tune. It might be stock music.

Availability: Extremely rare. Seen on pre-cert releases of The Bi**ch Wants Blood, Blake's Marauders, Blood and Grit, Come Die with Me, The Con-Man and the Koala, Franklin, High Plains Killer, Love in the Sun, Manchurin Masscure, Nightmare, Oh, What a Lovely Sting, Peter, Satan's Altar, Tearing Jaws, The Throne of Fire, Tough to Kill, Track Killer, Undercurrent, Vigilante II, and Widow.

2nd Logo (Greece) (1986-1990)[]

Logo: On a white background, there is a grey disk emitting an aura. In the middle of it is a grayscale version of the man from the Polish logo, but with the "Mr. Video" text from the UK logo. Surrounding the border of the circle is what appears to be an address and a phone number. After a bit, a yellow square then flips in with the Mr. Video logo left intact.

FX/SFX: The square flipping.

Music/Sounds: A soft rock tune, which is actually "Street Thunder" by Foreigner.

Availability: Extremely rare. Can be seen on adult tapes from them.

3rd Logo (Poland) (1980s)[]

Nickname: "The DOS Mr. Video Logo"

Logo: On a space background with the red planet on the upper left corner, after a few seconds, a white outlined man with a top hat and monocle holding a VHS-shaped object zooms in. The letters zoom separately to the left, spelling out "Mr. VIdeo" in yellow, then the same words, but with the gray square behind, flips above the text and covers the center of the videotape. After a few seconds later, it goes in reverse, then the logo fades out.

FX/SFX: The man zooming in, the words, and then everything in reverse.

Music/Sounds: A symphonic disco fanfare.

Availability: Unknown. Can be seen on vintage adult titles for the time in Poland.
