Maspe Filmes was a production company that mainly produced more sexually-oriented films.
Logo: On a black background, a big red trail of light zooms out. Seconds later, a yellow trail does the same. The trails then dissappear, blurring vertically, and soon we reveal the trails as "MASPE" in red and "FILMES" in yellow, all in a cinema-ish font. "apresenta" comes in from the left side of the screen.
FX/SFX: The text zooming out and "apresenta" appearing.
Music/Sounds: A timpani hit that rapidly repeats, followed by an extremely loud gong. A cartoony-ish like sound, which is supposed to be an circled bag with cash repeats 5 times, followed by oddly-arranged Chinese percussion, and then another loud gong. Tankoes and Bongoes are heard in the finale.
Availability: Ultra rare. Two films that have it are Palácio de Vênu and Senta no Meu, Que Eu Entro na Tua.
Editor's Note: The volume of the gong, combined with the darkness, the fanfare, and text zooming, make this one of the scariest logos in Brazil, maybe the entire world.