Closing Logo Group

1st Logo
(February 6, 1981)

Logo: On a yellow background, we see the blue semicircle with the View Master-esque disc with rainbows colors bordering it inside, with the bumpy hill underneath and the words "PRODUCTIONS" in curved style.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme.

Availability: Seen on This House Possessed.

2nd Logo

Logo: On an orange background, we see half of a View Master-esque disc with rainbow colors bordering it. In the bottom center of the disc is the word "MANDY". The words "FILMS INC." are just below the disc, in black. Then it cuts to an "in association with" text.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The end theme of the show or film.

Availability: Extinct. It was seen on Gavilan and Paper Dolls.

3rd Logo

Mandy Films

Logo: Same as before, except taking place on a purple gradient background, the center of the disc is dark blue, and the bottom simply reads "FILMS" in a shadowed white font.

Variant: The logo occasionally appeared on a white background with "FILMS" in black.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The end theme of the show or film.

Availability: Was seen on the TV series Class of '96 and on the TV movies Alex: The Life of A Child, She Woke Up, and Runaway Virus.
