Closing Logo Group

(1970?; 1974-1987, 1992-1993)

Lui Ming (International) Film Enterprises (1970; 1974-1987, 1992-1993)

Nicknames: "LM", "Forming LM"

Logo: On a blue background with sparkles, a circular rectangular comes out of nowhere, and it spins around to form "L", causing "M" to appear. The Chinese characters and the name of the company appear by letter-by-letter. The logo stay still for a seconds. The Chinese characters and the name of the company disappear and the logo fades out.

Variant: A still variant exists.

FX/SFX: 2D animation. None for the still variant.

Music/Sounds: A drumbeats, and a Fox-like happy-sounding triumphant fanfare.

Availability: Rare. It was seen on some movies from 1970 to 1993. One example is Dead Curse.

Scare Factor: Low to medium. The strange animation and the music will scare some, but it's harmless.
