Closing Logo Group

1st Logo (1993)[]

Nickname: The logo after "Video Catolico".

Logo: On a blue background, the word "video catolico" wipes in. Then, the word fades-out, the word "LuPanGua" slides from the left.

FX/SFX: The wiping and the color going up inside the word "LuPanGua".

Music/Sounds: A synth chime theme, follow by a two thuds in recovery and a orchestra music.

Availability: Rare.

2nd Logo (1994)[]

Logo: On a city, the word "LU-PAN-GUA" and "VIDEO CATOLICO" fades-in.

FX/SFX: The zoom in and fade in.

Music/Sounds: The synth trumpet tune.

Availability: Rare.

3rd Logo (1995)[]

Logo: On a blue background, the word "LU-PAN-GUA" and "Video Catolico" fades in and changes colors.

FX/SFX: The fade.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme.

Availability: Seen on Amarga Primavera.

4th Logo (1997)[]

Logo: Same as the first logo, the text "Video Catolico" slides to the left.

FX/SFX: The sliding.

Music/Sounds: A synth theme followed by the same as the last two instruments.

Availability: Rare.

5th Logo (1999)[]

Logo: On a blue background, the word "LU-PAN-GUA" and "Video Catolico" fades in, along with the Columbia and a stock footages.

FX/SFX: The fades.

Music/Sounds: The dramatic music and a rock music.

Availability: Seen on Luz Para Margarita.

Editor's Note: Some people may see stolen content at the beginning, such as the start of the 1993 Columbia Pictures logo, but at least the music's nice.
