(1990, 1991?)
Logo: We see a small star moving on a blue background, then the yellow text "Legend" in a script font is writing on a blue plate, it then curves, then fully drawn "n" and then "d", it then finishes the logo, and the black filmstrip then spinning from beginning to the "nd" in "Legend". The words "FILMS CO. LTD." then appears with the black bar and the line below, and the Chinese characters is seen below. "FILMS CO. LTD." and the line are splited with the script font that merged on the line and bar.
FX/SFX: The text of "Legend" writing, the filmstrip appearing.
Music/Sounds: A dreamy whoosh like sound effect, followed by 9-note fanfare which cames at the end of finished product.
Availability: Uncommon, Only appeared on Dragon In Jail and Easy Money.