Closing Logo Group

1st logo (1978-1986)

Logo: Just an in-credit text reading "HACHETTE PREMIERE PRESENTS".

FX/SFX: None.


  • On some films, a proper logo is instead used: On a Rebecca purple or royal blue background, "HACHETTE" appears, then the Hachette logo appears, followed by "PRESENTE" below.

Music/Sounds: The opening theme.

Availability: Rare.

2nd logo (1987?)

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Logo: On a backdrop featuring grids moving and a blue gradient background , At first. We see some objects moving and a Hachette logo in CGI moving. Then it's to be revealed by film projector screen with starfield background. Then "zooms" in , followed by Hachette logo , zooms out and "rotates" normally. Then shifts to engulf following "HACHETTE" and "PREMIERE". The lines next to Hachette logo squashes the line in the logo. Then the text "HACHETTE PREMIERE & Cie" wipes.

FX/SFX: The zooming, and the background coming in.

Music/Sounds: A fanfare.

Availability: Seen on some films like La Rumba.

3rd logo (1985-19??)

Logo: On a blue background, we see a still shot of the Hachette Premiere label with "PREMIERE" rotated like a clapperboard.

FX/SFX: None.


  • Sometimes, the background is either cyber grape or onyx, and the label is either yellow, canary or white.
  • Sometimes at the end of a film, "Distribue par" or "C'est un film" fades in on a blue or air force blue background, then it fades out. Unlike in the opening variant, the label in white or yellow zooms up.
  • On color 35mm prints, the logo may appear in desaturated cyan or payne's grey.
  • A superimposed version with label flipping in and out is also used as a closing variant.
  • On foreign trailers, the logo is superimposed over the movie, with the label and "presente" below.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: The variants are ultra common, while the 35mm/superimposed versions are rare.]]
