Closing Logo Group

Background: HGV Video Productions Inc. was the Canadian counterpart of Anchor Bay Entertainment (formerly under "Video Treasures"). In 1998, Anchor Bay stopped using the HGV brand, and in August 2002 it was dissolved into Anchor Bay Entertainment Canada, Ltd.


HGV Video Productions (1990)

Nickname: “The Magenta Stripes”

Logo: On a black background, five hot magenta stripes come from the left, a white "HGV" comes from the right, and "Video Productions Inc." (in the same color as the stripes) comes from the bottom, all moving at the same time. As soon as they meet in the center, the word "presents" in white, fades in below. As a closing logo, the word "presents" is omitted.

FX/SFX: The moving parts of the logo, "presents" fading in.

Music/Sounds: Same as the GoodTimes Home Video “Rainbow” logo. On some releases, it's silent.

Availability: Appears on Canadian VHS releases of Video Treasures/Anchor Bay back catalog, including Troll, Cannonball Run, Ghoulies, and Thomas the Tank Engine videos, to name a few. Also appeared on Canadian video prints of A Christmas Carol (a.k.a. Scrooge).

Editor's Note: While the design for this logo looks interesting, the animation has been criticized for being simplistic, even for 1989 standards.
