Closing Logo Group
Closing Logo Group

Background: Though they have produced many films, their logo has only been seen once.


Nicknames: "The Ugly Arrow", "Literal IMAX Copy"

Logo: Same as the first IMAX logo, but when the lights come closer to us and explode, we see the text "Produced by" on top and "GRAPHIC FILMS CORPORATION" on bottom zooming out to the bottom of the screen on a black background, along with a blue-like thing (possibly paint, water splat or an ugly arrow design) pointing to a circle, with many blue/white trails. It stays still for a couple of seconds and then zooms in to the top of the screen as the same style as said effect.

FX/SFX: Same as the IMAX logo, although this logo runs 1:05, a second longer than IMAX's.

Cheesy Factor: If this isn't the only time a company has ever gone so far as to outright steal an entire logo, it's one of them.

Music/Sounds: Slightly different than the IMAX logo, in a way that the sounds are a bit deeper and more emphasized. The "Deep Note"-esque noise at the end is also slightly different.

Availability: Only seen on The Eruption of Mount St. Helens!.

Scare Factor: Nightmare, for the same reasons the IMAX logo has, but the weird scheme of the logo and sudden zoom in to the bottom of the screen would definitely raise the scare factor, especially when watched in it's first movie The music, always, can be raised again for some, even if you aren't expecting it. It's medium for those who used to it.
