Closing Logo Group

Background: Buena Onda Home Video was originally a label of Bell Video Grand SA that was formed on October 19, 1988, and also had a children's division, and made up by the board of directors, which included Marcelo Gabriel Wolma nand Liliana Bellini de Reale. It was shut down in 1994.



Logo:On a cloudy sky background, with a floor on the bottom, we see a white box from the checkerboard. A spotlight lit up, and celebrity photos were rising from the box. The celebrity photos disappear and then we see a pink box that flashes to reveal the banner with the word "Home Video" engraved on top. The word "BUENA ONDA" in a multi-colored font, with the "O" represented by a smiling face, and the "NDA" were in outlines, while "BUENA" was filled in, which faded in.

Variant: On children's tapes, various cartoon photos replace the celebrity photos.

FX/SFX: The spotlight, the celebrity photos rising.

Music/Sounds: A dreamy synth theme with twinkles.

Availability: Seen on Buena Onda Home Video releases.

Editor's Note: None.
