Closing Logo Group


Family Home Entertainment Kids was a specialty division of Family Home Entertainment to focus more on kids content released on VHS and DVD. Formed in 1998, it distributed episodes of kids shows, mostly Clifford the Big Red Dog, the 1987 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as various specials from Hallmark and Crayola. It was folded in 2005 alongside Family Home Entertainment, with both being absorbed into Lionsgate Home Entertainment via their acquisition and folding of Artisan Entertainment.

1st Logo (1998-2000)[]

Nickname: "The Doghouse"

Logo: On a black background, a green house is seen. Then, a white square stretches out, and the head of a dog pops out in the middle. The familiar f.h.e. initials (from the 1985 logo; the "e" is lavender-colored instead of blue) write themselves in below. The dog moves a bit as a red speech bubble with "kids" and the words "FAMILY HOME ENTERTAINMENT" (in the Trajan Pro font), alongside a registered trademark symbol, fade in. The dog shows its tongue a few times before the logo fades out.

Variant: A short variant appears at the start of a promo for the Chuck Jones Signature Series VHS line. Here, the logo is already formed, with only the dog moving.

FX/SFX: The shapes, text & dog appearing, the initials writing in. Cheap digital 2D animation.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Extremely rare. This was only seen on the earliest releases from the division, mostly in 1998. After the next logo debuted, it was only seen sporadically before quickly being retired.

Editor's Note: Even though it's considered a placeholder for the main logo below, it looks incredibly cheap.

2nd Logo (1999-2005)[]

Nickname: "The Doghouse II"

Logo: First, we see a crudely drawn green and white doghouse on a white background. A dog with a collar starts walking to the right side of the doghouse, sniffing the ground. He then walks inside the doghouse. As this happens, the words "FAMILY HOME ENTERTAINMENT" and "f.h.e" initials (in the same style as the previous logo) fade in below. The dog peeks out with a bone in his mouth and barks, dropping the bone in the process with a red "kids" speech bubble appearing next to him. He looks down and watches his bone fall to the ground, then looks back up and blinks a bit as the logo is complete.

Variant: For its later years, a byline that says "An Artisan Entertainment Company" fades in below. This was removed in 2004, when Artisan went defunct.

FX/SFX: The dog moving, the text fading, the dog dropping his bone and barking. Traditional animation done digitally.

Music/Sounds: A pizzicato string violin/bass/bassoon tune, followed by 4 flute notes and a piano note, followed by the dog's bark and a thomp sound, followed by 4 more flute notes, followed by another pizzicato/bass/bassoon note. In other cases, it's silent.

Music/Sounds Variant: Sometimes, only the dog's bark is heard.

Availability: Uncommon.

  • It was mostly used from 2000 to 2001 (such as Baby Einstein releases until Disney took over in 2002), along with the first season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) on VHS, DVD, and even on iTunes.
  • Also shows up on Crayola and Hallmark tapes from the period.
  • It can also be seen at the beginning and end of Clifford the Big Red Dog VHS tapes and DVDs from 2001-05, like Here Comes Clifford, Clifford's Best Friends, Clifford Tries His Best, and Everyone Loves Clifford, as well as Lionsgate reprints of early-2000s Clifford DVDs.
  • This makes surprise appearances at the end of the 2003 screener DVD of Mr. Saint Nick and on the 2005 DVD release of Clifford the Big Red Dog: Doggie Detectives, even though this logo is not seen on the packaging.

Editor's Note: A cute logo with better animation. Remembered fondly by those who grew up watching it.

