1st logo (1983-1995)
Logo: Against a blue background the eagle on top on Falcon (blue font) and the botton is Films (blue font) from the bottom of falcon
Cheesy Factor: TBA
Music/Sounds: None
Availability: Extremely rare overall, this movies can be founded in Laruan, Hello Lover Good Bye Friend, Untouchable Family and Akyat bahay gang.
Scare Factor: None to low.
2nd logo (1995-1998)
Logo: a black background, the letters moves the falcon (green font) to the left, films (green font) moves to right and after that, the Presents (cyan font) fades in.
Cheesy Factor: TBA
Music/Sounds: TBA
Availability: Scarce, Seen on Dobol Trobol, Gayuma Batangueno kabitenyo, Indecent Professor, Pracale Gang and Kool ka lang.
Scare Factor: Low to medium.