Closing Logo Group
Closing Logo Group

Erry Vision Logo

Nickname: "Scary Vision Film," "Horrible Vision Film," "Cheesy Vision Film," "Queasy Vision Film", "Merry V.S.On Film"

Logo: We see the words "AN ERRY VISION FILM" in a hideously distorted, oddly arranged, salmon-colored font. A salmon-colored line is shown at the left.

Trivia: Title screens shown in Tales from the Quadead Zone are made like this logo, but with different colors.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: A loud, heavily-distorted UFO-like sound which sounds more like a dog howling over and over.

Availability: Extremely rare. Can only be found on the film Tales from the Quadead Zone.

Editor's Note: A prime example of poor logo design. The line at the left side looks ugly and is unnecessary, and the text "AN" looks more like an "M". Also, the I's in "VISION" are too small. They look like decimal points, making the text look like "ERRY V.S.ON FILM." The ugly font and horrifying "music" don't help either.
