Logo: On a black background, a box with an illustration of a cherub fades in. The box inside the background disappears as the cherub changes to an orange outline. The company name fades in below in white.
Variant: At the end of 100 Girls, the logo is in blue and the cherub outline is smaller than the company name. The logo also scrolls up with the credits.
Trivia: The cherub illustration is taken from the Raphael painting Sistine Madonna, though it is mirrored.
FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The box disappearing, changing into outline, the words fading in.
Music/Sounds: None, or the opening or closing theme of the movie. On According to Spencer, a relaxing piano/horn tune with chimes plays over the logo.
Availability: Uncommon. Was seen on movies such as 100 Girls, Elvis Took a Bullet, According to Spencer, Girl Fever, Monster Man, 3 Below, and Disaster!.
Scare Factor: None, it's a really cool logo.