Closing Logo Group
Closing Logo Group
Dream Entertainment (Opening Variant)


Logo: On a black background, a box with an illustration of a cherub fades in. The box inside the background disappears as the cherub changes to an orange outline. The company name fades in below in white.

Dream Entertainment (Closing Variant)

Variant: At the end of 100 Girls, the logo is in blue and the cherub outline is smaller than the company name. The logo also scrolls up with the credits.


Dream Entertainment (Opening, 2000)

Trivia: The cherub illustration is taken from the Raphael painting Sistine Madonna, though it is mirrored.


Dream Entertainment Closing, 2000)

FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The box disappearing, changing into outline, the words fading in.

Music/Sounds: None, or the opening or closing theme of the movie. On According to Spencer, a relaxing piano/horn tune with chimes plays over the logo.

Availability: Uncommon. Was seen on movies such as 100 GirlsElvis Took a BulletAccording to SpencerGirl FeverMonster Man3 Below, and Disaster!.

Scare Factor: None, it's a really cool logo.
