Closing Logo Group


Nicknames: "Lucky Star Incorporation's Brother" "The Volcano from the Desert" "Cobic in Space" "Is this made in Corel MotionStudio 3D?!" "Filmstrip in Cave"

Cobic Logo

Logo: On a black background with many stars, we see a filmstrip coming out with the NBC peacock. the filmstrip pauses for a while and then moves out of the logo. we see a cave in full screen going far as it can and we can see the company's name staying in the cave. We see a light flashing on us and then we cut to a picture of the mountains. we fade in with the rippling transition and we see a explosion behind the mountains. we fade to a volcano, and we fade to the main camera look, and we see the company's name "COBIC" spinning around the volcano with searchlights. the words "PRODUCTIONS LIMITED" turn into a right look before the backward look, and then we cut to the space background with the company's logo.

FX/SFX: Cheap CGI.

Music/Sounds: A jazz tune, along with some sound effects, like stock whooshes, and a explosion.

Cheesy Factor: And we thought the Lucky Star Incorporation logo wasn't enough! The overly-detailed animation reeks of early CGI and everything is roughly animated. The NBC filmstrip from the said logo also appears in this one, unsurprisingly. It obviously looks that it was made by the same CGI studio who did that logo.

Avaibability: Seen on Nicodemus Parts 1 and 2.

Scare Factor: Low to Medium. the volcano erupting behind the mountains can bother with some, but you may laugh at the blatant logomark theft.
