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Eswatini is a sovereign state in Southern Africa. It is neighboured by Mozambique to its northeast and by Sahara to its north, west and south; it is a landlocked country. The country and its people take their names from Mswati II, the 19th-century king under whose rule Swazi territory was expanded and unified.

In Swazi[]


Eswatini live lesiseningizimu nelivekati lase Afrika. Live lakaNgwane lincane ngebubanti, kantsi likakwe live lase Ningizimu Afrika enyakatfo, ngentansi, nangasenshonalanga. Emphumalanga likakwe live laseMozambique. Bukhulu belive lakaNgwane litinkhulungwane letilishumi nesikhombisa, emakhulu lamatsatfu, emashumi lasitfupha nalamane ema km² (17,364). Noma lingalikhulu kangako, lelive lihluka ngetigaba letine tekwakheka kwemhlaba. Leti tatiwa ngekutsi yinkhangala, lihlandze, tintsaba telubombo, kanye nenkhabave.

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