Closing Logo Group

Background: CRM Productions was a division of McGraw-Hill that produced educational programs.


CRM Productions (1980)

Nicknames: "Irritating Outline", "The WGBH Outline"

Logo: Against a black background, several multicolored shapes float around the screen. Some of them disappear and reappear over time. Eventually, they come together to form an outline of the name "CRM" with the name "CRM" being made up by the cuts in the shapes. The logo looks rather similar to the WGBH and MGM/UA Communications Co. shadow logo. While it forms, the word "PRODUCTIONS" in white sweeps back underneath. The word "PRESENTS" zooms in and floats below the screen as the logo disassembles and floats off the screen.

Variant: On some programs, the middle half of the logo follows the McGraw-Hill Films logo and animates as normal, but before "PRESENTS" zooms in, it cuts to a warning screen.

FX/SFX: The words and text floating around, forming, and disassembling.

Music/Sounds: The 1968 McGraw-Hill Films logo theme.

Availability: Uncommon. Appeared on programs produced by CRM such as Are We Still Going to the Movies?, I Guess I Got the Job, Helping: A Growing Dimension of Management, Decisions, Verbal Communication: The Power of Words, With Love and Hisses, Motivation: The Classic Concepts, and Working with Difficult People. Most of these were basic educational films for the classroom, and can be viewed on Internet Archive.
